Category: U.S. Army
Lot Number: 58
Bid Count: 130
Winning Bidder: 222
Starting Bid: $1.00
Bid Increment: $5.00
Current Bid: $1,965.00
Cushman Inc A Ransom Co
On Behalf of the U.S. Army Rock Island Arsenal Joint Manufacturing & Technical Center
Online Auction of Industrial Equipment: Numerous Forklifts, Mills, Grinders, Lathes, Welders, Manlift, Wheego Electric Vehicles, and more.
All Items Sell Absolute, Regardless of Price (Subject to Terms of Sale)
Onsite Inspection: August 18, 2021, 10am to 2pm
Preview Location: Rock Island Arsenal, 1 Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL 61299
The United States Army requires a criminal records check be conducted on all visitors. Click Here:
Please read Previews information located in the Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Online Bidding Starts: July 30, 2021
Online Bidding Ends: August 25, 2021
Payment Terms: Cashier's Check or Wire Transfer
user | amount |
222 | 1965.00 |
361 | 1860.00 |
533 | 1855.00 |
361 | 1850.00 |
533 | 1745.00 |
361 | 1740.00 |
533 | 1635.00 |
222 | 1550.00 |
361 | 1525.00 |
222 | 1520.00 |
361 | 1415.00 |
222 | 1410.00 |
361 | 1405.00 |
222 | 1400.00 |
361 | 1395.00 |
222 | 1390.00 |
361 | 1305.00 |
495 | 1230.00 |
361 | 1205.00 |
495 | 1200.00 |
361 | 1125.00 |
495 | 1120.00 |
361 | 1115.00 |
495 | 1110.00 |
361 | 1105.00 |
495 | 1100.00 |
361 | 1095.00 |
495 | 1090.00 |
361 | 1085.00 |
495 | 1080.00 |
361 | 1075.00 |
495 | 1070.00 |
361 | 1065.00 |
495 | 1060.00 |
361 | 1055.00 |
495 | 1050.00 |
361 | 1015.00 |
495 | 1010.00 |
361 | 1005.00 |
495 | 1000.00 |
361 | 995.00 |
495 | 990.00 |
361 | 985.00 |
495 | 980.00 |
361 | 975.00 |
495 | 970.00 |
361 | 965.00 |
495 | 960.00 |
361 | 955.00 |
495 | 950.00 |
361 | 945.00 |
495 | 940.00 |
361 | 935.00 |
495 | 930.00 |
361 | 925.00 |
222 | 870.00 |
361 | 815.00 |
222 | 810.00 |
361 | 805.00 |
486 | 760.00 |
361 | 755.00 |
486 | 605.00 |
229 | 600.00 |
486 | 505.00 |
229 | 500.00 |
486 | 460.00 |
538 | 455.00 |
486 | 445.00 |
538 | 440.00 |
486 | 435.00 |
538 | 430.00 |
486 | 425.00 |
538 | 420.00 |
486 | 410.00 |
229 | 405.00 |
486 | 355.00 |
229 | 350.00 |
486 | 305.00 |
495 | 300.00 |
486 | 295.00 |
495 | 290.00 |
486 | 285.00 |
495 | 280.00 |
486 | 275.00 |
495 | 270.00 |
486 | 265.00 |
495 | 260.00 |
486 | 255.00 |
495 | 250.00 |
486 | 245.00 |
495 | 240.00 |
486 | 235.00 |
495 | 230.00 |
486 | 225.00 |
495 | 220.00 |
486 | 215.00 |
495 | 210.00 |
486 | 205.00 |
495 | 200.00 |
486 | 195.00 |
495 | 190.00 |
486 | 185.00 |
495 | 180.00 |
486 | 175.00 |
495 | 170.00 |
486 | 165.00 |
529 | 160.00 |
486 | 155.00 |
495 | 150.00 |
504 | 145.00 |
504 | 140.00 |
495 | 140.00 |
495 | 135.00 |
504 | 130.00 |
495 | 125.00 |
491 | 120.00 |
482 | 115.00 |
463 | 110.00 |
408 | 105.00 |
222 | 100.00 |
428 | 100.00 |
428 | 55.00 |
222 | 50.00 |
428 | 31.00 |
222 | 26.00 |
428 | 21.00 |
222 | 16.00 |
428 | 11.00 |
222 | 6.00 |
428 | 1.00 |